
Cost-effective web mapping platform built on powerful, cutting-edge, open source geospatial components. The goal is to make it as easy as possible to build more secure, reliable and modern web GIS applications. With Giscuit users stay in control of their content through centralized management of vector and raster spatial data.

Giscuit allows users to visualize, share, edit and analyze geospatial data. It has powerful web-based administrator panel with features like data import, layer styling, user management, permissions management, publishing data and more. It is compliant with the Open Geospatial Consortium standards, this is achieved through OpenLayers or PHP MapScript supporting several OGC standards like WMS, WFS, WMC, KML, GML, CSW etc.

Giscuit provides a scalable GIS server platform that can be deployed on a single Linux or Microsoft Windows machine, it can distributed across multiple servers or deployed on cloud infrastructure.

Giscuit mobile layout is browser based which allows users to work on a wide variety of platforms like iOS, Android, BlackBerry OS, Windows Phone 7, webOS, Bada and Symbian.
Using Giscuit from mobile devices allows field staff to create, update, and analyze geographic information. The office can get up to date information to and from the field operations. The team can use geolocation to quickly zoom into their current location or attach a photo taken from the field.
Giscuit mobile layout also supports offline mode if you need to take and edit your raster and vector data to places where internet connection is not available.