Giscuit 1.2.7 Released Thu, 2012-09-27 23:31

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of Giscuit 1.2.7.

For a full list of changes check the changelog:

Welcome to the Giscuit 1.2.7 Release!

Giscuit 1.2.7 Release
Released on 2012-07-05

    * Added Geoportal/Catalog capabilities which provide an easy and convenient
way to discover geospatial data. In current implementation Giscuit acts as a CSW
client, the CSW server software is up to you to setup and populate as long as it's
compatible with OGC CSW 2.0 service implementation specification (
We recommend and provide instructions on how to install our catalogue with Geonetwork.
    * Fullscreen mode is now available for the mobile layout, the address bar is
no longer shown to increase the space used by map and tools.
    * In the mobile layout you can now configure (in user settings) how to offset
the vertex position while editing
    * Added help buttons next to every tool in the desktop layout
    * You can now group form elements into collapsible containers while editing
    * Simplified the procedure of changing the title and logo through Administrator
    * Routing now supports different sources for forward and reverse geocoding
    * Added new form element types Gtmultiselect, Gtmulticheckbox
    * It is now possible to publish a layer publicly as WMS and privately as WFS
or vice versa
    * OpenLayers was updated to version 2.12
    * proj4js was updated to version 1.1.0
    * Proxy.php now supports body requests
    * Added 2 new layout methods gt.init.openCenterView() and gt.init.closeCenterView()
to create a new layout unit below or above the map layout unit

    * No more Google copyright pop up on map load
    * Download raster tool now properly works for users other than the Administrator
    * While editing a feature the Edit attributes panel now expands to the bottom
of the window not just to 250 pixels
    * Fixed a bug where it was not possible to upload multiple files with the same name