Giscuit 1.4.1 Released Wed, 2013-08-21 09:37

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of Giscuit 1.4.1, released on 2013-08-20.


  • Updated OpenLayers to version 2.13.1
  • The length of the calculated route is now displayed with the routing result


  • An error is no longer triggered if the user uploads a shape file with it's extension in upper case on a linux based OS in Admin panel - Database - Add
  • Users who extend admin_data role no longer see all the tables (that belong to other users and administrators) if no tables where created by them
  • Translations keywords are now properly added and deleted in Admin panel - Preferences - Translations
  • Fixed an error where JavaScript layer changes could not be saved in Admin panel - Layers - Edit
  • Layer name dropdown has a max-width of 150 pixels now to prevent the Add tool button in Editing going off the screen